

Research Notes

Images of Sumer

Costume and Scene Concepts

Music and Literature of Sumer


Biographies of the Inanna Troupe




Coming Soon



Narrative script

Rehearsal script

Story Of Ereshkigal

Inanna: A Commentary on Scenes of the Play

A note from Peggy about the script

Character List



Inanna would not exist in our consciousness today if it were not for the genius of the poets and scribes of early Sumer. We inherited the beautiful expression of their quest for insight from the clay tablets they incised with a phonetic language they developed. Their imaginations created a pantheon of gods & goddesses who were their guides & protectors in a vast world of the Unknown. They answered questions about the power of ethics and yet were as flawed as any of us today. They gave a final answer concerning the art of living by proclaiming in the last me that it was all about the art of making decisions. The art of making decisions takes a lot of maturity and integrity.

I hope you enjoy the story of Inanna. She is the warrior queen who matures into full integrity. As a reader, a listener, an audience, we benefit by following her experience.

To bring the story to you I depended heartily upon the translations of Samuel Noah Kramer who died in 1990. I cobbled them together and made up some of my own story to make everything knit well. Many anointed writers, musicians and philosophers inspired me. Sometimes, I would find just the right word or phrase in something they had written and because their choice of word or an insight was so perfect I, thoroughly without shame, simply took it or adapted it. If you have the time you can play “Where’s Waldo” by finding words, phrases and allusions buried in the script from the following artists:

In order of Appearance

Alison Croggon
Quincy Jones
Sylvia Plath
Rumi (via Coleman Barks)
Diane Wolkstein
Helen Luke
TS Eliot
Joseph Campbell
Arvind Vasavada
Black Elk
Mary Oliver
Seamus Heaney
George Herbert


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